This is a spark post off Pike's over at Aspect of the Hare. I have to agree with her. Alliance doesn't have a nice catchy battle cry. With Horde its clear cut, and simple - For the Horde!
We are a tribe, a community, a family first. We stand together, and if somebody yells for help? Two or three Horde will show up to help somebody out, even if they have already done the quest, know they will get creamed by PvP, or are just in the area. We band together because we feel we must. Almost all servers are at a ratio of 2 Alliance to every 1 Horde. And some of them are even worse. We know are the under-dogs when we log into WoW. We know we have to stand together even if it means getting killed repeatedly, because that's what a family does.
When I play Yazmin on Alliance side, that sense of family is missing outside of my guildmates. My guild I know I can trust. I don't feel comfortable asking for help with Alliance - probably because when I was new to the side, and asked for some clarification on a quest I got my head almost bitten off.
When it comes to the Horde, I feel more comfortable asking for help with a tough situation, or even a Pick Up Group (scary thought, hun?) of people. Yes, we have our fair share of idiots on both sides of the Faction Divide, but I'm proud to be Horde, and yes, I do identify with Horde first. Heck, when I grabbed a shirt for the day, I pulled on my Husband's "I survived Barrens Chat" T-Shirt, looked at it and didn't bother changing.
In closing? For the Horde!