
Everyone is Power Mad, Lactic!

This is a Spark post off Lactic Acid's over at Snake in the Grass. So go read that so you know what I'm talking about, I'll wait.

Back? Okay!

Ugh. Its not just the paladins. Ran into a Horde 3 man the other night consisting of a Shaman, Paladin, and Warrior in BB. Not only were they killing the Inn Keeper, but also the Bank, the Auctioneer, AND the Stable Master.

At first I thought the Stable Master might have been an accidental AOE via Thunderclap and/or Consecrate but once he repopped they went back over and killed him again, with nothing else near him. I'd come in off the boat to check the Neutral AH for specific non-combat pets : a great horned owl and a snowshoe rabbit. Those two will fill out my 15 Non-combat pet achievement. I want those two specific pets, but there is no way in HELL I'm paying 25g for one.

I had just enough time to check the AH and find out that there weren't any on Deathwing right then. I turned around to the sound of hearing guards aggro something and hear consecrate go off and water shield form - Hey, I have a paladin and I've played with The Guy's Shaman enough to know that sound.

I watch the paladin and shaman rip through the AH, bank, and the guards that are there without breaking a sweat. I'm obviously standing there in shock going, WTF!

The shaman turned around while I'm still thinking WTF are you guys DOING?! Lowbies NEED that AH, Bank, AND Stable Master you jack asses! If you are doing the Bloodsail thing, kill the guards, but leave the damn needed NPCs alone!

Anyways, I've got the shaman targeted, he's horde, as are his buddies, I'm horde, on a PvP realm, so there's obviously nothing I can do to these three myself, and then he puts the topper on the cake by asking "What the fuck are you looking at?"

A question phrased that way tells me all I need to know. These guys are asses and wouldn't understand logic if it hit them in the head with a ton of bricks. I got out of BB as soon as the boat pulled in, and sighed while lodging a GM ticket about the fact they MIGHT want to either A: Up the guard level from 67 to oh, I don't know maybe 87?! Or, B: ZERG SPAWN. Right now, Booty Bay is honestly screwed. I wouldn't bring a lowbie over there to quest even if I did need to. I wouldn't be able to DO anything there.

Remember how pissed off you got as a lowbie when XR or Astranaar got completely wiped out? You were mad that you couldn't do anything for a while because all your Quest Turn in People were dead and you were only 1,256 XP away from leveling so you could get the HELL out of the zone? And this was the fifth time today?

That's how I feel about BB right now. Its basically defenseless against these new talents, there aren't enough guards, and all the NPCs are dead constantly to roving bands of jerks.

Blizz needs to do something about this. They upped Cairne's guards to level 80 elites... could we please get something similar even 77 elites over in BB? I know I'd appreciate it, as would a lot of other people that are probably trying to level alts through so that they CAN play with friends once the xpac rolls around.

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