Well, I ran Gnomer with a pick up group last night. It was pretty good... except for a hunter, and then a mage.
Hunter was wearing Str and Spir gear aplenty. I cringed, and sighed. Its happened in the past, running into lowbie hunters that only see Str Increases AP (Blame Blizzard for bad tips) and so that's what they stack. And they melee stuff to death and only see the pet as a DoT. She couldn't handle her pet, was running under cheetah, pet had growl on... basically hunter nightmare. Luckily she was only level 26, so not too set in her ways.
Straightening out a hunter like this can take a few minutes or longer. We got past I think the first boss, lost our healer, I pulled in a guildmate (who did an awesome job -- yes that priest I was complaining about last post ^_^), and then that hunter had to go. I gave her the basics for a hunter's gear (Agility, Stam, Int) and she logged off. We swapped in a mage while the priest was flying in (couldn't summon at level 38).
We started the run again, killed plenty of stuff, then the mage started blowing my traps when it counted. I could NOT keep my priest alive... blazing freakin' trap target = useless traps, but everything was ticked at my priest because she popped a renew just a second too early, and died, so we all wiped.
While we were running back the Tank, an awesome druid --I love druid tanks--, told everyone to "keep the priest ALIVE". I just nodded, its standard running procedure for me, then some how we partially wipe, losing the Druid Tank and the mage. The dps druid, priest and I manage to pull it off, kill everything, and the priest rezzes the Tank and the mage.
We finished the run, the group broke up. I put both the druids on my friends list... I'd run with them again in a heart beat. I wouldn't be caught dead with that mage again. I'll recognize the name if I ever group with them again, of course, but ugh.
Priest and I ended up talking about our run in guild chat later. We both agreed that the mage was the main problem, he'd panic and forget to Frost Nova, which probably would have saved his butt, and my priest's as well. I've seen a Nova save my butt before -- giving me that extra 2 seconds I needed on a trap timer so I'd not have to drag a mob half way across a room before the trap timer is ready again.
Well, I got my triprunner dungarees... I'm happy. Off to Arathi, I think...
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